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I have a simple four-stage ethos with coaching;

Coach, Educate, Develop, Motivate. 


  1. Ask more questions give less answers, allow the athlete to find the answers and understand why they are doing something.

  2. Provide the athlete with autonomy and the knowledge to achieve success in their environments.

  3. Enable the athletes to be comfortable and calm in the situation of pressure by getting them used to the chaos of the unknown.

  4. Finding the balance of success (80%) vs failure (20%), to promote growth, not injury. Too much failure and athletes will lose motivation to develop and try to succeed, too much overload too soon and will cause breakdown and risk of injury either in the form of a gym or mental capacity.

  5. Encourage them to achieve their greatest potential. Show that you really care about them and their success and they will trust you, without trust there is failure.

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